esok dah nak puasa ..Selamat berpuasa ye semua..
semoga tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun2 sebelumnya..
Sebelum puasa kita pulun workout dulu .hahaha pulun la sangattt hehehe
16/07/2012 - Monday
Warming up :
2 rounds of
50 jumping jacks
50 skaters
practicing all the movement few reps ;)
Workout of the day :
I'm All Yours -
3 rounds, 50s effort/ 10s rest
1. 5 high knees, 5 switch lunges : 5,5,4
2. 1 side to side, 2 jacks, 2 straight hops, 2 reptile push ups (in plank position) : 3,3,3
3. Side jump, 2 squat jump, side jump : 5,5,3
4. 5 mountain climbers, 5 spider mans : 6,6,5
19/07/2012 - Thursday
1. Jenn Fit Beach Girl WO

Jenn Fit Beach Girl WO
* 50sec wall sit with 5kg biceps curl
* 30 lunges with 5kg DB press
* 20 squat with with biceps curl
- I manage to do 93 jumping jacks in 90sec..non stop..and its OHSEM! haha
( I was never able to do jumping jack more than 20 before)
2. Bodyrock Zuzana TABATA
20s effort/10s rest , 8 rounds (4mins)
1. Air squat / Jump Squat
2. Half burpee (burpees without pushup)
3. Reptile Pushups
4. Foot loose - run in place as fast as u can
3. DB workouts with 5kg DB
15 deadlift reverse fly
15 squat ventral raise
15 lunges row kickbacks
20 squat n twist
20/07/2012 - Friday
ZWOW #26
30sec interval, NO REST , do it 10mins
1. Plank + leg lift + jump up (L+R)
2. side crunch (L+R)
3. side to side squat (keep it low)
4. side to side push ups
5. Knee Hugs
6. Elbow plank
7. Bike press
(position like dive bombers,
the movement like monkey Push Ups)
8. Plank jump
Its not end of week 3 yet, tapi esok nak start puasa dah
so my training will be end here..for non fasting month.
InsyaAllah start esok routine akan berubah masa..
mungkin akan buat wo 30mins before berbuka or after terawih.
I will focus on strength and toning,
weight training will only be done if wo after terawikh.
Selamat berpuasa semua..!!
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