LilySlim Weight charts

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday and 99HTN


its 709am now. harini terbangun awal.these few days slalu terbangun "awal" sbb asik nak terkencing la...sakit perut la..bagus la.jarang bgn awal weekend.

pagi ni hubby keje syif pagi dia bangun pkl 5 lebih,gi keje 6lebih , bim dah takleh nak tido balik. lagipun harini banyak keje nak buat. petang ni maybe nak kene gi kenduri anak buah . herm..letih.

and i'm also very hungry. need to find some food jap lagi. and maybe that would be nasik lemak from kedai bawah. hehe. sungguh tak sehat.

talking bout nasik , bim dari hari tu nak wish everyone yg join contest ( is it a contest ? ada hadiah eh ?eheh ) 99 Hari Tanpa Nasi .. congrats to ZEL yang berjaya wat program tu. dengar nye smpai 99 orang join ? Impressive.

For those yang kenal bim dari mula bim citer pasal diet n exercise ni , u'll know how much I DONT ENCOURAGE people to not eating nasik. nasik for me is not a harm , as long as u take it moderately .

HOWEVER , if u have it the right way , it can be a good way to start losing weight.

what i mean is , kalau tak makan nasik pon , PLEASE have some carbs in ur daily diet. CARBS adalah punca tenaga utama dalam badan. this is a basic dat we learn from sekolah rendah lagi. so even u dont eat nasik u still can get the carbs from other sources. but still , to lose weight u need the enegery from carbs for your metabolisme.

Please understand , its not the nasik that u can blame for your FAT. it always come back to the FAT itself and YOURSELF of course. u know what i mean? if u dont eat nasik but u eat all-kind-of junk food , how on earth do u think u can lose weight ?? Seriously.

and dont forget about PROTEIN , u need the muscle too. when u dont eat nasik, it's important for you to choose the right type of carbs. IF u dont know what to eat to replace the nasik , u can always find COMPLEX CARBS. search je ape jenis complex carbs ni. contoh paling senang wholegrain bread la kan. gardenia hijau tu . tapi jangan makan tu je.hehehe.

and EXERCISE. build up ur muscle ( bukan BULK UP tau..hehe ). JANGAN KURUS TAPI LEMBIK. muscle always help in lose weight.

Apa-apa pun, its a GOOD EFFORT. yang penting , jangan HANGAT2 TAHI AYAM, bak kata ZEL. its not easy of course, ingat sapa nak bagi kita KURUS ? sendiri mau ingat la.

apa saja usaha anda, kalau buat dengan bersungguh2 dan fokus , insyaAllah akan nampak hasilnya. and the most important thing, IF LEPAS NI DAH LOSE WEIGHT , DONT SABOTAGE YOURSELF LEPAS ABIS 99HTN NI. JANGAN MELANTAK SESUKA HATI,BALAS DENDAM MAKAN NASIK . HEHE. USELESS LA USAHA SELAMA 99 HARI.


GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! zel, ko mesti bertahan, sbb ko yang organize contest ni.hehe. jangan mengalah k ?



  1. i like this word dr kak bim...akak ni mmg pandai ayat ..hehe

  2. hehe.pandai wat ayat ke pandai mengayat? haha.thanx mia. tadi gi kenduri ada anak buah kawin, jumpa anak buah yg sis ckp mcm muka mia tu..hehe.lupa plak nak ambik pic kan..
