LilySlim Weight charts

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Fav Workout - TAEBO & ZUMBA..!


Harini nak share my fav workout routine nowadays. Ada 2 yg slalu bim buat..TAEBO , either 8 minutes workout or cardio taebo(45mins)..dan ZUMBA with a long fav would be zumba with Dynamite song..ehehe

TaeBo is a workout includes TAEkwando and BOxing movement..seriously fun! kalau korang banyak stress, bagus buat ni..bleh feeling2 blasah orang ..hahaha.. and the same time can burn ur fat..hehe

Zumba plak adalah sejenis Dance Fitness program. sangat seswai utk mereka yang ske menari, ske music. Zumba ni asalnya latin-inspired..tapi skang ada byk version..bleh search mcm2 lagu kat youtube..
My fav channel untuk Zumba kat youtube adalah ini  My Zumba Fav Channel

All of these exercises is a very good cardio..utk toning, bim ske video Zumba Fitness - Sculpt & Tone. yang video ni 45mins, bim download guna torrent.

whatever it is, the main point is to work your butt off for at least 30mins  a day for at least 5-6 days a week. kalau nak lose more weight, increase your intensity of workout, Jillian Michael always the best choice. =) or increase the time to 1-1.5 hrs, 7 days a week.

You'll see result in no time. Good luck!

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