So this are my list of favourite Instagram accounts that give me ideas for daily workouts, fitness info and motivations.
1. Chalene Johnson - remember Turbofire? oh yes, this is SHE. She shares a lot of workout videos, bodyweight, stairs workout, gym ball, total body, lower body, upper body, abs, you name it, she got it. Short and intense! and I love her background musics too!
2. Homeworkouts_4u - this IG shows picture and videos on how to do an exercise and founded by Chalene Johnson.
3. NatalieJillFit - I found her IG at Chalene's IG. Lots of workout videos, and a tough cute lil coach. LOL ;)
4. H_I_I_T - for those who love high intensity interval training (like me). Workout ideas and some videos ;)
5. Dailyworkouttv - Daily HIIT workouts, crossfit style I guess. Short and intense. with Videos how to do those exercises and very helpful when u need to ask anything. I am gonna do their 90 days transformation challenge for 2014 ;) They upload workout videos 5 days a week and weekend are rest days.
6. Illugymnati - nice name ha? ;) I cant resist the cute drawing. Daily workouts inspiration.
7. Daily_workouts - I love to try the shared workouts. Some are simple, some are tough. So I can choose depends on my heavy-light day. So much ideas for workouts.
8. Workout_fitness - workout ideas and motivation
9. Workouts_daily - another favourite IG's for workout ideas! U can choose any of the workouts from 759 posted. ;)
10. Gymknowledge - for gym goers. easy to understand. I am gym-beginner so I just so need this imagination ;)
11. iiworkoutt - another great ideas for bodyweight workouts.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Workout Ideas For Beginner & Intermediate
Harini nak share few webs & workouts yang sesuai untuk orang-orang yang baru nak menjebakkan diri ber "workout" ni. Ada orang taknak workout bukan sebab malas, sebab tak tau nak start macamana.
Sepanjang journey aku yang never ending stories ni hehe ada few things yang aku rasa sangat membantu masa aku beginner ( dan sampai sekarang.. aku belum capai tahap Advanced pon haha )
Harini nak share few webs & workouts yang sesuai untuk orang-orang yang baru nak menjebakkan diri ber "workout" ni. Ada orang taknak workout bukan sebab malas, sebab tak tau nak start macamana.
Sepanjang journey aku yang never ending stories ni hehe ada few things yang aku rasa sangat membantu masa aku beginner ( dan sampai sekarang.. aku belum capai tahap Advanced pon haha )
Dalam web ni ada banyakkkk giler workout..
sebut je apa nak
jump rope
workout with baby
workout with partner
eh semua la ada. apa yg takde?
ikut level pun ada. beginner, intermediate, advanced.
program pun ada. 8 minggu. tapi bayar. hehe yang lain FREE.
This is one of the best free workouts web.
dan video nya real time, maksudnya instructor tu join workout sama
smpai kita habis workout. bukan tunjuk satu dua step saja.
This is one of my personal favourite
Not too intense, not too soft, just perfect ;)
Nampak tak workout untuk leg and arms dia?
Macam intense tapi macam boleh buat kan?
haaa itu la perasaan nya bila buat workout Jenn Fit ni, just nice. hehe
Most of her workouts adalah bodyweight, guna berat badan sendiri
Kadang2 je dia upload workout pakai mesin kat gym, pakai dumbbell or kettlebell
cuma masalahnya dengan Jenn Fit ni, dia takda skalikan video.
Sebab majority bodyweight workout yg dia share simple2 je
kita bleh Google or Youtube saje hehe
Ni web yg sangat best dan simple
Sebab semua workout tu ada ilustrasi or lukisan mcmana nak buat
Boleh pilih exercise sendiri, letak dalam satu sheet,
save as PDF dan PRINT
Best giler kan?
Kalau taknak susah2 pikir,
boleh pilih je ROUTINES yang orang lain da share kat situ
Tapi, xda la video. Gambar saja. hehe
Web ni bukan bodyweight saje.
Boleh asing ikut bodypart mana yang nak di work kan
equipment apa..or bodyweight
or boleh search je nama exercise tu.
So, 3 cukup la dulu kan.
bagi banyak2 pun belum tentu buat kotttt hahahaha
Sebenarnya ada banyak lagi sumber.
Terpulang pada kita, nak RAJIN ke nak MALAS.
Tiba-tiba, blog aku ni dapat di access semula. setelah setahun lebih.
Sebelum ni, tiap kali aku taip url ni akan redirect ke page lain dan aku tatau kenapa jadik mcm tu.
So bila ada member asik tanya " kenapa tak update blog"
aku jawab " tak dpt masuk la blog aku, redirect plak"
dorang kata "eh, aku bukak ok je"
so aku pon kompius.
Harini aku bukak, dapat pulak mcm biasa.
So, mulai skang aku update kat blog ni je. akan di export ke sini senang aku nak maintain satu blog saje.
ok? tak kesah la orang baca ke tak, yang penting senang aku nak rujuk next time aku nak restart as a beginner semula. hahaha (read = pegnen dan menggemuk dan beranak)
Tiba-tiba, blog aku ni dapat di access semula. setelah setahun lebih.
Sebelum ni, tiap kali aku taip url ni akan redirect ke page lain dan aku tatau kenapa jadik mcm tu.
So bila ada member asik tanya " kenapa tak update blog"
aku jawab " tak dpt masuk la blog aku, redirect plak"
dorang kata "eh, aku bukak ok je"
so aku pon kompius.
Harini aku bukak, dapat pulak mcm biasa.
So, mulai skang aku update kat blog ni je. akan di export ke sini senang aku nak maintain satu blog saje.
ok? tak kesah la orang baca ke tak, yang penting senang aku nak rujuk next time aku nak restart as a beginner semula. hahaha (read = pegnen dan menggemuk dan beranak)
Monday, July 23, 2012
Day 2 & 3 Ramadhan's Workout
Alhamdulillah...selesai puasa hari ke 3..
semalam tak update ape workout kan sbb tak sempat hehe..
so today update 2 sekali..
semalam nye workout simple sajer..its all about the strength, abs n bun.
Day 2 : 22/07/2012
I did circuit B from SHAPE magazine's Tush & Abs workout plan:

Tripod kicks 20 reps x 2 sets *with ankle weights

Weighted bridge 25 reps x 2 sets * use 2kg med ball

Power crunch 15reps x 3sets *use 2kg med ball
Day 3 : 23/07/2012
1. Warming up with 2 mins skipping
2. Jenn Fit Beach Babe Workout
The link :
50 Mountain Climber - 30
50 crunches - 30
50 leg lift (R) -20
50 leg lift (L) - 20
2 mins plank - 1min
50 medicine ball russian twist -30
To make sure I can finish 3 rounds without experiencing any giddiness, I reduce the reps.
I manage to finish the 3 rounds and felt good bout it.
I started early today, at 635pm and finish around 710pm. perfect timing ;)
This morning I went to the clinic, for reviewing my blood test.
Last time when I had dengue fever, the Dr suspected I have Thalassemia. So they did blood test.
The blood come back saying I am positive for Thalassemia. they just dont know yet thet type, either minor or major, alpha or beta.
So they took another blood test today. The next appointment will be after Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
I dont know what to expect. Should I be worry? I hope everything gonna be find. I hope I will be find.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Bersenam di Bulan Puasa
Assalamualaikum wbt..
Alhamdulillah..selesai puasa hari pertama..harap2 semua berjaya menjaga puasa masing2 supaya mendapat pahala penuh yer..tapi time hari cuti ni ok lagi..sok2 dah masuk keje kang ade termengumpat plak hahahah
Ok, seperti yang di plan..alhamdulillah, harini berjaya buat workout, 45mins sebelum buka puasa..
This is my first time buat full workout masa bulan puasa. slalunya buat workout simple saje, tak pernah buat full wo.
so today's workout, I make it simple. I tried to make sure that I wont overused my energy..sbb dah dekat2 nak bukak puasa makin less energy. I reduce the effort time, increase the rest time, and take an extra rest when i feel light headed.
Alhamdulillah..selesai puasa hari pertama..harap2 semua berjaya menjaga puasa masing2 supaya mendapat pahala penuh yer..tapi time hari cuti ni ok lagi..sok2 dah masuk keje kang ade termengumpat plak hahahah
Ok, seperti yang di plan..alhamdulillah, harini berjaya buat workout, 45mins sebelum buka puasa..
This is my first time buat full workout masa bulan puasa. slalunya buat workout simple saje, tak pernah buat full wo.
so today's workout, I make it simple. I tried to make sure that I wont overused my energy..sbb dah dekat2 nak bukak puasa makin less energy. I reduce the effort time, increase the rest time, and take an extra rest when i feel light headed.
1. Bodyrock Powerful Real Time Sweat WO
50s effort/10s rest ( I changed it to 45s/15s)
2 rounds of :
1. 2 swicths lunges 2 jacks
2. elevated push ups (normal PU)
3. touch downs
4. squat jump touch the floor
5. dive bombers
6. half burpees sand bag rows (2nd round i did full burpee)
2. 2 mins Abs
20s effort/10s rest, 2 rounds = 4mins
Mountain Climber
High Knees
This workout was good enough for me. I dont feel too tired, I dont feel too much pain. Its just a good feeling with the sweating.. ;)
Lepas abis workout around 725pm, so I just break-fast with kurma n pomegranate juice. Feeling full so I postpone my dinner with Nasi Tomato and Ayam masak merah later.
Day 1 is done. hopefully can keep this pace for the entire Ramadhan..amin..
Week 3 of July & Ramadhan workout plan ;)
esok dah nak puasa ..Selamat berpuasa ye semua..
semoga tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun2 sebelumnya..
Sebelum puasa kita pulun workout dulu .hahaha pulun la sangattt hehehe
16/07/2012 - Monday
Warming up :
2 rounds of
50 jumping jacks
50 skaters
practicing all the movement few reps ;)
Workout of the day :
I'm All Yours -
3 rounds, 50s effort/ 10s rest
1. 5 high knees, 5 switch lunges : 5,5,4
2. 1 side to side, 2 jacks, 2 straight hops, 2 reptile push ups (in plank position) : 3,3,3
3. Side jump, 2 squat jump, side jump : 5,5,3
4. 5 mountain climbers, 5 spider mans : 6,6,5
19/07/2012 - Thursday
1. Jenn Fit Beach Girl WO

Jenn Fit Beach Girl WO
* 50sec wall sit with 5kg biceps curl
* 30 lunges with 5kg DB press
* 20 squat with with biceps curl
- I manage to do 93 jumping jacks in 90sec..non stop..and its OHSEM! haha
( I was never able to do jumping jack more than 20 before)
2. Bodyrock Zuzana TABATA
20s effort/10s rest , 8 rounds (4mins)
1. Air squat / Jump Squat
2. Half burpee (burpees without pushup)
3. Reptile Pushups
4. Foot loose - run in place as fast as u can
3. DB workouts with 5kg DB
15 deadlift reverse fly
15 squat ventral raise
15 lunges row kickbacks
20 squat n twist
20/07/2012 - Friday
ZWOW #26
30sec interval, NO REST , do it 10mins
1. Plank + leg lift + jump up (L+R)
2. side crunch (L+R)
3. side to side squat (keep it low)
4. side to side push ups
5. Knee Hugs
6. Elbow plank
7. Bike press
(position like dive bombers,
the movement like monkey Push Ups)
8. Plank jump
Its not end of week 3 yet, tapi esok nak start puasa dah
so my training will be end here..for non fasting month.
InsyaAllah start esok routine akan berubah masa..
mungkin akan buat wo 30mins before berbuka or after terawih.
I will focus on strength and toning,
weight training will only be done if wo after terawikh.
Selamat berpuasa semua..!!
Week 2 July Workout List
this was my week 2 of July workout's list
9/07/2012 - Monday
1. Bamfit #1
4 rounds for time
15 burpees
30 overhead lunges
30 KB swings
15 box jump (i did chair jump)
* my time 17:44 for 4 rounds
2. Jenn Fit 2 Mins Abs
20s effort/10s rest
Mountain Climbers - 26,25
High Knees - 22,25
Crunches - 10,11
11/07/2012 - Wednesday
Do each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
(I modified this to 30s each exercise, rest 10s. Total up to 16mins)
Repeat 3 times.


PLANK 60second
* my time : 18:36. extra 2 mins plank
14/07/2012 - Saturday
ZWOW #25
start with 30 burpees buy in
- i did 15 competition burpees and 15 burpees with push up
3 round for time :
- Plyo fly 20 reps
- Squat overhead press 15 reps
- Lateral jump touch 10reps
- Abs Splitter 5 reps
*my time : 17 : 15
The Link :
I use this for squat overhead press. Its a broomstick with ankle weight, 3KG. LOL :P

15/07/2012 - sunday
Morning session :
1.Fitness Blender - Fat Burning Functional Training
8 workouts, I did 1 round with 5kg dumbbell :
- 14 Push ups
- 14 deadlift reverse fly
- 14 single pull over + leg raises
- 14 squats ventral raises
- 14 lunges row kickbacks
- 14 squat crosses + presses
- 14 lunges + rotations
- 14 crunches + cross punches
Link :
2. Jenn Fit Wake Up Workout :
20 Jumping jacks
20 crunches
10 Push Ups
10 calf raises
30 russian twist
30 squat
10 high knees
1 min plank

Evening Session
1. Another round of Fitness Blender - Fat Burning Functional Training
2. 1 round of Fit Fluential No Nonsense Circuit

_______________________________ End of Week 2 July ________________________________________
Note to self :
I workout only 4 days in week 2 but some days i do 2 session, morning n evening..
I should increase my weight training n increase the reps ;)
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