LilySlim Weight charts

Monday, February 23, 2009


Salam semua..

Ramai yg tanyer mcm mana nak pakai ankle/wrist weight yg aku baru beli kat TESCO tu?
pastu suh aku jadik model..haha..takde makna nyer..muntah korang nanti
so aku tepek la picca aku jumpa online eh ..

Aku dah try pakai untuk bbrp hari ni ..biasa la gajet baru mesti syiokk punyer..eheh
kesannya sangat la terasa ..especially bila pakai kat wrist ..bahu, lengan sume sakit ..
terasa pas bawak beban berat ..
Semalam aku start JM Level 2 - dengan weight 1.5kg sebelah tangan ..hambik kau ..terasa sangat lengan ku keras arini ..uhuhu..but its good though ..yeahh..
Pastu aku try pakai kat kaki sehari2 kat umah , nak jalan ke dapur , kemas umah ..sume pakai kat ankle. very good effect i guess sbb terasa mcm workout..berpeluh2 ..hehe
Another thing yg aku cuba ialah berelliptical sambil pasang weight ni kat wrist ..wuhuuu..serious ly , mmg sangat memenatkan dan peluh mencurah2 mcm hujan lebat petang semalam..ehehe
Malam tadi pkl 930pm da ngantuk sbb penat sangat ..masa tido pon terasa badan sengal2 ..I need more protein to recover my muscle..
I got this info bila aku check2 pasal ankle/wrist weight nih ..
Recent studies in the Physician & Sports Medicine showed that adding up to 5 lbs weights to each ankle increased caloric burn up to 25%!
Ankle weights can also be worn comfortably throughout the day to expend more calories. Make sure you begin with slower than normal speed and gradually increase speed or jumping. For vertical jumping exercises, softer surfaces are recommended, such as grass, a track, or an indoor gym.

Korang tunggu apa lagi ?? 25% tu beb ..huiiyyoooo..ehehe


  1. tq bim..akhirnya tau jugak..nak guna mcm ne je...

  2. hehe..bim ingat nak ambik video semalam camne nak pakai n camne guna masa ber elliptical..hahaha..tapi tak jadi ..tak senonoh je rupa bim ..wakakka
